3rd Grade Supply List
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the new school year! I am looking forward to a wonderful year with your children. Here is the list of supplies for 3rd grade. Bring them to Meet your Teacher on August 26th.
1. $65 classroom fee-payable to Hephatha –please turn check in to Mrs. Kajszo (includes planner, flutophone, folders, pencil boxes, and Scholastic News subscription, Social Studies Weekly)
2. Bible (NIV)-available in the office
3. Box of 24 Crayons or fewer- no larger than a box of 24
4. 3 subject spiral notebook with pockets, ~100 pgs. (for science)
5. 1 ream 8 1/2 X 11 printer paper
6. Colored markers
7. Colored Pencils
8. Red Pens (2)
9. 2 packages of Wide Rule notebook paper
10. 2 boxes of #2 Pencils
11. Black extra fine point Sharpie
12. Black fine point Sharpie-colored sharpies are optional
13. Eraser
14. Pencil Top Erasers
15. Scissors-adult size
16. Glue Sticks (4-6)
17. Glue Bottle
18. Highlighters (2)
19. Inch/Metric Ruler
20. 3 x 5 lined index cards-keep at home
21. Ear buds for Chromebooks
22. Three Boxes of Tissue
23. Composition Book (Any Style)
24. 2 Disinfectant wipes
25. White out tape-optional
26. Post its 3 X 3-optional
Do not bring your own pencil box. I will supply one for each student and there is no room in our desks for another.
Please bring all these items to Meet Your Teacher. Be sure to label each item with your child’s name. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at rkajszo@hephatha.net
Thank you,
Mrs. Kajszo